Based on the search results, private debt managers typically report performance to investors in the following ways:
- Financial statements: Private debt managers typically provide financial statements of the borrower issuing the private placement debt on a regular basis to investors 1 .
- Performance reporting: Private debt managers typically report performance to investors through performance reporting, which presents a myriad of challenges for the credit and private debt manager 2 .
- Backward-looking analysis: Private debt managers typically use backward-looking analysis to present performance and attribution reporting to investors 2 .
- Non-financial metrics: Private debt managers may also report non-financial metrics to investors, such as how a business is being managed alongside more traditional financial metrics 3 .
- Streamlined workflows: Private debt managers may use a fully integrated private debt solution to enable credit managers and direct lenders to streamline workflows and enhance performance by supporting more active and informed decisions around pipeline and portfolio management, compliance, and risk 4 .
In summary, private debt managers typically report performance to investors through financial statements, performance reporting, backward-looking analysis, non-financial metrics, and streamlined workflows. By providing investors with transparent and accurate performance reporting, private debt managers can help investors make informed investment decisions and protect themselves from the risks associated with private debt investments.